In order to be considered for any of our positions, you must complete the online application.
If an in-person interview or appointment is needed for an application, Recruiting will contact you about it after you’ve completed the application.
All of our current job openings can be viewed at jobs.
A resume is not part of the hiring process for hourly Customer Service positions.
In order to successfully complete the assessment, all questions must be answered. Missing answers to questions will be brought to your attention when you try to submit the assessment.
If you are receiving an error message that you have left questions blank, please click on the page number below the error message. You will be taken to the page of the assessment where a question is blank.
Once you have selected an answer for each question, you can select ‘Return to Error Page’ to correct any additional errors and submit the assessment.
Amazon’s minimum wage in the US is at least $15 for all employees – full-time, part-time, temporary and seasonal. It will be a simple minimum, with no target requirements or eligibility requirements.
If you have other pay questions, please refer to your Contingent Offer Letter.
There are sometimes scams involving job recruitment.
The only way to get a job as a Customer Service Associate for Amazon is to apply at contact.
If you believe you have been scammed, please select an option above to connect with Amazon Candidate Support for further assistance